Music, Tiffany (aka?), & Sister Taylor Talbot
Once a month our mission combines with the Mormon Battalion Historical Mission to put on a program of music and narration. It is called "Inspire", and this month's theme was "Thanksgiving". Two to three weeks before the program, Sister Merritt (our mission president's wife, who has a strong music background) gave Stan some music for "All Creatures of our God and King" and asked him to write a violin and cello part to go along with the piano and chorus.
He has spent hours upon hours learning a program to write music (Symphony). She would tell him what she wanted, he would try to interpret what he thought she wanted. He had about four rewrites before he got it close to what she was looking for.
There was another song, "Gratitude", that she wanted a cello part added in to go with the guitar and a vocalist. There wasn't any music, just a YouTube video to watch. So he listened to it over and over trying to add in a cello part.
Last Friday was the Inspire Fireside. It was well attended, and the music was beautiful and enjoyed by all who attended, even though there was a small glitch at the beginning of the program! The first song began with a cello and violin solo, with the piano coming in after a few measures. Everything was wonderful until the piano came in. I could tell something was off, and Stan looked confused. After a few measures, Sister Merritt got up from the piano and walked over to the microphone. She apologized. Apparently the piano, a digital piano, had been set with the notes transposed to a different key! After that was discovered and she set it right, the rest of the program was very lovely. Stan was so glad when that evening was over! He sure learned a lot from this experience!
Tiffany (aka?)
We had Zone Conference this last week. ZC's are always a spiritual experience as well as fun to see all the missionaries. After the conference, Stan had a music rehearsal. While I was waiting, I saw an Elder that I recognized. On a previous Blog post, we had mentioned about a lesson that we had participated in over Zoom with a young woman named Tiffany. She is deaf, so the Elders had an ASL Elder (the one I met in the hallway) join in to do Sign Language so she could be taught. After this lesson, she chose to go to the ASL Branch, so I hadn't heard anything of her since. Upon recognizing this Elder, I asked him whatever happened to Tiffany; I was curious if she had been baptized, because she had seemed very interested.
So he stands back and said he had an interesting story to tell me. Apparently "Tiffany", or whatever her real name is, has been baptized at least 8 times! I guess there is a private Facebook group that lists people for the missionaries not to contact. This Elder's companion was looking on the list in Facebook, and saw Tiffany's picture. This is where they found out that she has been all over the country and has had the missionary lessons and has been baptized multiple times, upwards of 8 or 9 times! They had to politely ask her to not contact the missionaries any more! I've never heard of a "Serial Baptizee"!
Sister Taylor Talbot
You may recall that we've written about Sister Talbot in a previous blog. She is a Service Missionary who is also a Paralympian. She is visually impaired caused by an eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. Since the age of 2, she has been losing her vision. She is now 23 and is blind in one eye, and in her other eye, she said it's like looking through a straw with only 5% vision! She has a guide dog named Fargo, that is by her side most of the time. I would like to briefly share her story, which she shared at a Fireside that she spoke at this evening.
Taylor began to gradually lose her vision beginning at a very young age. By the time she was in high school, she became pretty angry and didn't understand why she had this eye disease that kept her from being like her friends. She prayed everyday that God would restore her vision so she could be happy.
One day, while she was reading in the Book of Mormon, she felt God's love for her, and she knew that she didn't need to be healed to be happy. She knew that God had blessed her with gifts and talents to be able to be a force for good in her life, even though she was blind.
Her family loves track and field - her parents and three younger siblings all have been involved in track. Taylor has been running track events since she was very small, so when a friend of hers suggested she apply to be in the Paralympics, she thought he was crazy! She has also always wanted to serve a mission, but wasn't sure how that would fit into her life. After much thought and prayer, she felt that she should go ahead and apply to be in the Paralympics. During this time, she was called into the Stake Presidents office. He told her that the Lord wanted her to serve a mission, but that it would be a mission unique to her. She was called to serve a full-time Service mission to represent Jesus Christ and the Church combined with her sport. She has been been running races as a Paralympian and serving as a representative of Jesus Christ ever since. She has raced in many countries throughout the world. Because of this, she spends a lot of time in airports. She tells a story of a time that she was waiting at a gate for her flight, when someone came up to her and asked about her belief in Jesus Christ (they must have noticed her missionary tag). So Taylor began to explain her belief in Christ. While they were talking, someone overheard them and joined in the conversation about Christ. She said that soon a big group of people had all joined in the conversation and many were bearing testimony of their belief and love for Jesus Christ. She said that she has had many opportunities to share messages of Jesus Christ and His Gospel in her travels. She even gives Firesides in some of the places and countries she has traveled with the Paralympics. She has been a Paralympian for two years and a missionary for one year.
This year she has felt the strong prompting that she needed to change her focus from running track to participating in Triathlons, through the Paralympics. I won't go into all the reasons and promptings and miracles she has experienced in making this change, but I want to share some of the lessons she has learned from being a triathlete.
As a visually impaired person, Taylor said it's impossible for her to do a triathlon by herself. So the paralympic triathletes are given a "Guide". This person is a qualified athlete who has been versed on the rules of what they can and cannot do as a guide. Taylor shared with us all the parallels she has made with her Guide and with the Plan of Salvation.
She shared with us that the Guide is always with her throughout the entire race. The Lord, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are always there for us. She said that during the swim portion of the race she is tethered to her Guide. There is a cord tied to each of their upper thighs. The Guide told her that she wouldn't be able to see or hear during the swim portion but that she would feel a gentle tug to keep her going the right direction; just as the Holy Ghost gives us or prompts us with gentle feelings when we are getting off course. During the cycling portion, the Guide would take the front position on a tandem bike and Taylor was the stoker on the back. The Guide would speak to her in a normal voice telling her the direction they were going or when they needed to make a turn. Taylor had to tune in to her voice, and shut out all the other sounds around her. This is an example of what we need to do to hear the Spirit speak to us. When they transitioned to the run, they were tethered at the waist with a short cord. The Guide was not allowed to pull or force her along, but gently would lead her and speak to her in a soft voice, saying, "Come to me", until Taylor followed her direction. Taylor shared that the Savior is always with us, saying, "Come Follow Me". He will lead us to the finish line; back to Him. Our part is to follow and keep His commandments and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I loved listening to her stories and how she ties her experiences into the Gospel teachings.
She will be leaving us to move to Arizona for the Triathlon training later this month. She wanted to have a Farewell party so we opened up the Institute Saturday evening with some food and activities to celebrate her new adventure. She will soon be transferring to the mission in Arizona. Hers is a unique mission by sharing the Gospel in giving Firesides and speaking in conjunction with her sport.
She has been an inspiration to many and we're grateful that we had a short time to get to know her. She is a pretty independent young woman, and looks forward to her new adventures.
Here's a picture of her faithful companion, Fargo. See if you can zoom in and see his missionary tag!
This is a picture of our YSA Ward after Taylor spoke in Sacrament meeting. She is loved and supported by this group. I know that as the people in Arizona get to know her, they will love her, too.