Miracle during Tropical Storm Hilary:
The young sister Missionaries in Chula Vista shared with us a miracle that happened during Tropical Storm Hilary: Despite the rainy day, the Sisters attended their Sunday meetings & after the meetings were over, they met a lady who said she was drawn to our Church that day. The sisters broke the news that the Sunday services had just ended, but that they would love to give her a tour of the building & teach her about the Church at 4PM that afternoon. The lady said sure & that she would be back at 4PM. So the sisters returned a little before 4PM & there wasn't any lady there; after waiting for 15 minutes, they were just about to leave & guess who shows up! Yes, the lady. She explained that she had been invited to the Jehovah Witness church but that she didn't feel quite right about it so she felt prompted to come to our church. The sisters proceeded to give her a tour of the building and when they showed her the baptismal font explaining that this is where we make promises to Jesus Christ, she said that it was the most beautiful thing she had seen! After teaching her about the restoration of Christ's church, she was excited to share this with her family so the sisters put her on "date" for baptism on September 16th!! Even tropical storm Hilary couldn't stop the gathering of Israel from happening!! Here is a picture of Sister Corno & Hull:
Some creative Missionaries put together a short video about the storm & what they did:Well, by Monday night, the tropical storm was over, so we had our regular YSA FHE night at the Church & played some fun volleyball with probably 30 YSA's that showed up - I think I love working with the YSA's. Anyway, we had a great time mingling with the group and learning a little more about gravity & volleyball. (Yes, gravity prevents me from jumping very high - ha, ha!)
On Tuesday we had an institute class with the YSA's and furnished Dinner for approximately 20 people - Debbie made Hawaiian haystacks and watermelon - it was a hit. Sister Hardy is getting a reputation for making GOOD food - the YSA's love to eat free food!!!! Brother McKay (the institute teacher) has a great rapport with the students & we had a spiritual lesson about forgiveness based on the new book by Elder Anderson called "The Divine Gift of Forgiveness". A big take away was that it is harder to be forgiving until we try to see our "enemy" in the way that God sees him/her as a child of God.
On Friday, we sponsored a YSA frisbee golf activity for the YSA's. We brought our homemade frisbee golf set from home and set it up at the Church - after buying a few more frisbee's, we ended up with a successful activity followed with Rice Krispie Treats - again the YSA's love food!
Finally, we experienced a minor miracle playing pickleball this past week. Debbie & I decided that we needed to exercise more faith in striving to find people that we could share the gospel with, so before we left for pickleball, we knelt down and prayed that Terri (who said she liked our Church, but we hadn't seen for a couple weeks) would be there & that we might be able to share a message. Soon after we arrived at the pickleball courts, Terri showed up and Debbie was able to invite her to come to Church. Also, another man named Loy came up to me, examined my name tag & told me that he was Catholic, but that he didn't like the their Priests and wondered what our beliefs were. I was able to share with him a pamphlet about the Plan of Salvation for him to read! Prayer works!!
Today, Debbie and I spoke in Sacrament Meeting in the YSA ward - We spoke about advice & counsel for YSA's and the power of covenants to bless their lives. The Lord has blessed us with a love for the young people of the Church and we pray for their success!