Things are now rushing by here in Chula Vista, with only a little over a month until we conclude our Mission here. One of the highlights of the week was the Senior Mission family home evening dinner & get together at the Mormon Battalion historic site. Usually once a month, the Senior Missionaries get together to share experiences & visit. Besides great food, a few of the Missionaries planned a little surprise for us and did the Samoan war dance that involves tongue's, shouts, and fierce faces - it was highly entertaining!
They even talked the Mission President (in the middle) to join them!
This was also our week to feed 2 groups of young Missionaries & the 1 YSA institute group in the course of 2 days - it seemed that Debbie spent a lot of time cooking meals!! At least all the young Missionaries seemed to really like her sloppy joe's ( with her special ingredient that we had to order on-line to get!)
We helped the young Missionaries in our Ward teach a young man named Uriah over the last few months who decided to get baptized. We were a little worried at first that perhaps he wasn't understanding the gospel principles, but at the baptism we found out from his Mom that he was autistic, which helped to explain a number of things & his sometimes puzzling behavior. I got to give the talk on the Holy Ghost & there was a good spirit during the meeting & the baptism. In fact, I don't remember going to a baptism where the Holy Ghost wasn't present! It is true that the power of God is manifest in His covenant ordinances!We know that this is the Lord's work & that He cares much for His "sheep". One late afternoon, the Spirit prompted us to go visit a new member (Jay) who hasn't been to church for a few weeks, so we quickly jumped in the car & drove out to see him, not knowing if he would even be there. Fortunately, he opened the door with a big smile on his face, so we visited and shared a message about Alma & the people of the Lord in bondage to the Lamanites & how they were delivered by God. He could relate to the story - he is Haitian & is here on a work visa trying to get away from a horrible political situation in Haiti. He works 3 jobs so he can send money home to his family. He works so much & hasn't had much time to do anything else! We are hoping that we can help him understand that as we give some time to the Lord, He will bless us & support us in our trials - we all do so much better when we let "God prevail in our lives"! He is such a wonderful young man.
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