Sunday, December 17, 2023

You need Jesus! , Mormons worship cows in the Temple?, Another Great Granddaughter! Jay gets baptized.

 This has been an interesting week!  I woke early this morning thinking about the young single adults that we are trying to help along the way; but in particular, those that perhaps are considered "outcasts" of society that have found their way into the gospel net that is spread wide.  We had our young single adult institute "Christmas" party last night, & we met a young lady who is now 24, has been in and out of the foster care system for many years, has been in trouble with the law in various states,  has failed 3 times out of college trying to go to school, and has had a very messed up life.  In almost every way, she is an outcast of society; yet her Mother, that she is temporarily back living with, told her "you need Jesus" and referred her name to the Missionaries earlier this year.  After being taught by the Missionaries, she was baptized a member of Christ's Church and became a  member of the Young Single Adult Ward.  She is trying to piece her life together, start on the pathways BYU program and find steady work so when she leaves the government help program in a year, she won't become homeless.  Yet despite her troubles, she is smiling and has found a home with the group of diverse Young Single Adults, all trying to "find Jesus" like she is.  It is a testimony to me that our kind, loving Heavenly Father & His perfect Son Jesus Christ truly love all of us, and certainly his "lost sheep" just as preciously.  The discarded, downtrodden souls who seem to be forgotten are sought after by a loving God!  It reminds me of the parable of the lost sheep & the Savior seeking after, finding, and carrying the lost sheep back to the fold on His shoulders.  Truly the outstretched arms of the Savior continues "all the day long".  I can't help but feel grateful & even guilty that I was blessed with such loving parents & a family who cared for me so much to provide such a wonderful start in life!  As a funny side note, this young lady is now trying to get her Mom to come to Church, but she said she won't come yet until she finds out that the "Mormons don't worship cows in their temple"  I had a good laugh when I heard this, and then shared with her a picture of the temple baptismal font sitting on the backs of 12 oxen explaining that we don't worship cows, but that the oxen are a symbolic representation of the 12 tribes of Israel!   

Another Young Man, recently baptized, shared with us that he was bullied & beaten by his Father earlier in life, but recently found the Church, was taught by the Missionaries, and has found meaning in life with the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  He was baptized just a few months ago & is so excited about his growth in the gospel & his future.  His life has greater purpose & meaning now that he has "found Jesus".   We all so desperately need to "find Jesus" in our lives because He can make so much more out of our lives, than we can make ourselves without Him!!  
Tuesday & Wednesday were both busy days for Debbie & I when we were asked by the Mission Leaders to help feed (with one other Senior Missionary couple) close to 80 Missionaries during leadership training & new Missionary meetings those days - we fed them ham, cheesy potatoes (funeral potatoes), tossed salad, rolls, beans & bacon, brownies and ice-cream.  It took most of our day during each of  the 2 days, but it was rewarding to meet some of the Missionaries!
The Young Single Adults had their Christmas party on Friday night so we enjoyed spending the evening with them - they sure love getting together & visiting with each other in such an accepting way!

Saturday morning, we were able to participate in the Baptism of Jay.  A month ago, we helped to give him rides to Church & Church activities when he asked us how he can be baptized into the Church, so we explained that the Elders could help him with that!!  So, yesterday, we gave him a ride to his baptism & had a wonderful time seeing how the power of God is manifested in the ordinances of the gospel.  Jay is from Haiti & finally got permission to emigrate to the United States on a 2 year work permit - he says things are bad & politically unstable in Haiti, so he is the first of his family to come to the United States - he lives in very humble circumstances in a house with several other Haitian people, sharing bathrooms and kitchen, and has worked at various jobs to help pay for the rent.  We got him in touch with Deseret Industries to help get some better job training & he seems to like it there.  He is hopeful to get the rest of his family to the US, but in the meantime, found the Missionaries & loves the Church & the Young Single Adults.  
We hit another jackpot this week with the birth of another great granddaughter!  One last week and another this week!  Freya Nagle was born this last Wednesday coming in at 6 lbs 14 ounces, 20 inches long & all 10 toes & 10 fingers!!  She is a cutie!  She wasn't due until early January 2024, but I think that Mom & Dad wanted the extra tax deduction this year!!
We are grateful for our Mission & are learning to love the Young Single Adults.
We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!

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