Sunday, February 18, 2024

 Bayside Park, Safari, Dixie, BYU International Folk Dancers, Mission Prep Class

One of our favorite things to do as Senior Missionaries is to join with the young missionaries for their lessons.  We were invited to a lesson Tuesday afternoon after District Council.  We have met the missionaries at various locations for lessons, so we are never quite sure where we'll be meeting them.  This time they told us to meet them at Bayside Park.  We had never been there before, so we put it in the GPS and away we went.  It ended up in a location just like the name says; right next to a Bay!  I thought to myself that these missionaries are sure blessed to be able to teach in such a gorgeous location.  

                                                Stan and I next to the Bay!

We really enjoyed the lesson.  The Elder's taught a lady named Leilani.  She has been investigating the Church for a couple of years, but whenever she got close to baptism, something happened.  She has had a hard life, but she is filled with a love for the Lord and His teachings.  The Elder's challenged her to set up a baptism date, and she scheduled it for March 2.  I hope it happens for her this time.  She really is a golden contact.  

For Valentine's Day, we met a few other Senior Couples at the San Diego Wildlife Safari.  We had fun walking around enjoying the animals, the beautiful plants, and just hanging out with some of the other Seniors.  

My sister, Dixie, flew in  Thursday evening.  She had a conference on Friday and Saturday, but we were able to spend the evening with her and then take her to the airport on Saturday.  Thursday evening we enjoyed a yummy dinner at a middle eastern restaurant called Istanbul, and then went to the Balboa Theater downtown San Diego and enjoyed the BYU International Folk Dance team performance.  We enjoyed talking and being together.  When we picked her up on Saturday, and on the way to the airport we drove up to La Jolla Cove.  We only had about 30 minutes, but we were blessed to find a parking place and enjoyed a short walk to the shoreline to see the famous seals on the rocks.  It was great being together. 

The Mission Preparation class that we've been teaching Sunday afternoons has kept us busy with preparations.  We thought today was our last class, but last Sunday the Stake President asked us if we would consider continuing the class on a regular basis.  So we will forge forward creating more lessons from Preach My Gospel.  Today for our "final" class, the youth prepared short lessons with questions and scriptures to do role plays teaching the full-time missionaries who were acting as their "Friends".  I was walking around listening to each of the groups, and I realized how important this is for those who want to serve a mission.  Most of us read and study and learn about the Gospel, but don't have too many opportunities to teach it.  This practice that they are getting now will help them in the future as they go to the MTC to prepare to serve a mission.  

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