Our first picture is our Tuesday institute class that we support & provide a meal. This week was about "becoming", an interesting way to talk about Gender, part 2. The class went somewhat like this:
At our funeral, how would we like to be remembered? How we will be remembered has a lot to do with who we are becoming. In Mathew 5:48, Christ said "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" I understand this to mean "complete" & in Hebrew it is used in connection with a covenant relationship with the Lord - it doesn't mean we will be sinless, only Jesus Christ was sinless. Christ did not consider Himself "perfect" in this definition because he had not "completed" His Mission & atonement on earth. When He appeared to the Nephites as a resurrected being, He included Himself in the category of "perfect" when He taught the Nephites in 3 Ne 12:48 "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect". His atonement was complete.
The doctrine here is that we are all "incomplete" right now, and are in the process of "becoming" a "completed" son or daughter of God. We are still very imperfect in this life, but we are striving to become more like our Father in Heaven. Everyone's path of learning & becoming who God would like us to be is different. Some of us go through heartbreaking experiences before we might find the true path to become who God wants us to be. Some of us suffer terribly from sin & poor choices..............
Like the homeless 30 something young man (Josh) who wandered in to our institute class at the beginning - he had a torn & tattered dirty grey backpack on & had a haggard, hungry, gaunt look about him. We greeted him & welcomed him into our class. The aroma of Debbie's home cooked dinner must have appealed to him, so we invited him to stay for dinner and the class. His words were slow & shaky - his countenance dark & cautious, his look of hopelessness disarming. He stayed for the whole class & after asked if we knew where he could stay for the night? We couldn't let him sleep in the institute building, so we called an emergency county number & actually got a live person, who determined that the nearest homeless shelter was 6 miles away from our location, but they closed at 5pm. We talked to Josh & offered to drive him to that location to see if perhaps they would let him come in anyway. We felt sad that he was in that situation & asked him what he was doing in San Diego. Josh explained that he lost his housing in Kansas because of some mistakes that he had made, so he wanted to go somewhere warmer, so he walked, hitchhiked, etc across the country to San Diego and was hoping to get any kind of job here. We wondered what kind of mistakes he was talking about, but we didn't feel comfortable asking. We finally dropped him off, gave him some cash we had on hand & wished him the best. Seeing the pain & suffering his choices may have caused him, our hearts ached for him, as I'm sure a loving Heavenly Father must ache & shed many tears for his lost children.
I couldn't help but think how many of us are spiritually homeless & on strange paths. Some among us are confused & are afflicted with Gender Dysphoria that will hopefully be rectified through the loving, saving, healing atonement of Jesus Christ and our faith in Him in the eternities, perhaps after a long process of "becoming" in this life. I feel that we must have love & compassion for all around us, since none of us have "become" all we need to be yet!
We were able to attend a baptism where the Sister Missionaries taught a couple of young girls the gospel - the members here are so welcoming & creative in trying to make the baptism special!
It seemed like half the ward showed up in support of these two young girls!
Our Ward is preparing for a temple trip this Saturday to the LA Temple - we are trying to help all of the recently baptized converts to come with us, so hopefully, we can get everyone!
This weekend was our Stake Conference and we had a visiting 70; Elder Siegfried A Naumann spoke to us during several sessions of Stake Conference. Some of the funny or significant statements:
(1) After explaining about the 10,000+ submissions for the new hymnbook, he said, "it might have
been easier to fight the war in heaven than to finish this new hymnbook"!!
(2) He shared with us that in his training, President Nelson said, "The Savior is not coming yet because we need to gather Israel first!!" (3) We get to decide what salvation we will get, and which kind of body we will receive. If we repent and choose to live a celestial law here, then we are choosing a glorious future in eternity through the atonement of Jesus Christ. (4) Doctrines of eternal truths answer the why? questions - Principles (eternal laws) answer the what? questions. Transactional Obedience focuses on applications & blessings, but transformational obedience focuses on the Doctrines & Principles (better).We occasionally have the opportunity to have over a set of young missionaries for dinner - tonight we had Elder Provencio & Legg over for a tasty meatloaf & potato dinner & Elder Provencio & I had a little jam session since he plays the cello also! These young missionaries are great!
Have a great week!