This week started off with one of the YSA's favorite activities - Monday night Family Home Evening VOLLEYBALL! Yes, the YSA's do have someone give a Spiritual thought & prayer for a few minutes and then follow it with a volleyball activity - they all seem to enjoy it and manage to get a decent turnout with approximately 15-25 people. It is a good wholesome outlet for this active group!
On Tuesday & Wednesday, we got to put on our "inspector" hats to do younger Missionary apartment inspections (we like to call ourselves apartment "mentors"). Some of the apartments are squeaky clean, while others apartment "dwellers" haven't quite learned the fine art of keeping them clean! Debbie tactfully suggests that kitchens or bathrooms need a little "work"! We have to remember that these Missionaries are only 6-7 years out of Primary! I will have to say that the Sister Missionaries are WAY better than the Elders when it comes to the "cleanliness is next to Godliness" principle.
This weekend, we hosted the General Conference live broadcast with lunch for the YSA's in the institute building. Although the turnout was a little light, including the young Missionaries who came, we averaged somewhere between 9-19 people. The Missionaries had a few of their friends (investigators) come and experience what our modern day Prophets & Apostles are teaching us. We were so impressed with the messages - It sure seems like the Temples were a BIG part of the important topics taught by our inspired leaders! If people really understood how the message, covenants, and saving ordinances of the gospel could drastically change their lives for the better, they would be beating a path to our doors pleading to have the opportunity to join!!
We were reminded at our Mission devotional last week of a true story told by our visiting authority, Elder Naumann of the Seventy. When Elder Naumann was a Bishop some years ago, he was conducting a meeting when the Spirit prompted him strongly to announce that there would be a baptism the next Friday night at 6pm at the "Shins?" house. The problem was that the young Missionaries had announced earlier in Ward Council that they had no one that they were teaching now, that everyone had "fallen through". Because of this, Elder Naumann dismissed the prompting and continued on with the meeting. However, the Spirit wouldn't leave him alone, & continued to prompt him to make this announcement! Well, the meeting was about to end, so Elder Naumann got up to close the meeting, but decided that he would make the announcement that the Spirit was strongly prompting him to make! Making sure he didn't make eye contact with the young Missionaries, he went ahead and announced that the members should come to a baptism that Friday night at 6pm at the "Shins?" house (The Shins? had a river by their house.). After the close of the meeting, the young Missionaries gleefully came up to Bishop Naumann and asked him who was getting baptized? It was then that Bishop Naumann confessed that he had no idea who was getting baptized, and that they had until Friday night to exercise their faith to find out who the Lord wanted baptized!! Well, the Missionaries really prayed in faith early that week, and contacted all the people in their area book who had previously been to Church, and before Friday, the miracle happened; they came in contact with an individual who had been taught & had been to Church, and WANTED to be baptized!! So as the Spirit had directed, they had a wonderful baptism on Friday night at the "Shins?" house. This is another testament that revelation is on going, & that this is the true & living Church of Jesus Christ here on the earth!
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