Greetings to all of you! This week we started back on some of the programs that were going last year, fixing meals for the new institute class on Tuesday nights. It seems like some of the same people are coming back, with an occasional newby, but we have been happy to see them & welcome them back! Our District meetings are ongoing each week, and the Monday night Family Home Evening plus Friday night Sports/Activity nights have started back up!!
On our Family Home Evening night, we were invited to put down on paper some of our goals for 2024, so the end result for Debbie was a cute visual "Goal" with mini goals in each of the letters to match up with the four areas of development suggested by the Church (Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, & Physical).
Although I had a few goals, I chose to do an illustration of one of my playful ones!
Yes, I think I am a little too addicted to pickleball!!
We always like to support the Young Missionaries, so we had several lessons with their friends during the week. They have several progressing towards baptism coming up - but we did have one with Michael on Saturday, who had gone back and forth for months, but finally decided to get baptized - he was quite nervous about getting immersed in the water & it took coaxing from our Mission President, the Ward Mission Leader, and the baptizer Missionary before he finally got up enough courage to get dunked ALL the way under - but he did!! As a side note, they couldn't find someone to play the piano, so they asked me at the last minute, so I played for the service, and played some of my hymn arrangements while waiting for Michael to get changed after the baptism. I was grateful to be able to participate, and felt really good when the chorister came up after the meeting to say that my music had really touched her. Baptisms are a sacred ordinance and the Holy Ghost always seems to be in attendance as people enter the covenant path with Jesus Christ at the center.
Although it had challenged our "tech" skills to get the projector, power point slides, and laptop all in sync, everything came together well!
To end our week, the Mission heavily promoted a Sunday night devotional that featured 2 time LDS gymnastics Olympic Gold medalist, Peter Vidmar (1984 Olympics) as a featured speaker, along with some inspirational music and 2 new members sharing their testimony. So we went to work & ended up inviting at least 6 of our friends but unfortunately none of them could come, so we watched it on "Facebook live". It turned out to be a wonderful spiritual event. Peter Vidmar spoke (and showed a clip) about his training, Olympic experience, & those who helped him along the way. He shared how his coach had a great impact on him to never give up even when the going gets tough - when Peter did his last Pommel Horse routine in the finals, he had to get a perfect 10.0 which tied him for the Gold medal in a difficult moment! He spoke of the great influence that his Dad (who suffered from Polio) had on him and the family motto that was "Vidmars' weren't quitters". He spoke of his gratitude for the Gospel, and his love for the Savior & Redeemer as well as many other inspirational insights.
I would encourage everyone to watch this devotional - It was recorded on the "Come unto Christ in San Diego" face book page that you can find by going to your face book account, and typing in the search button: "Come Unto Christ in San Diego" followed by scrolling down just a little to the videos and find the "Why I Believe with Peter Vidmar". It is close to 1 1/2 hours long, but is well worth your time!
We are thankful for the many opportunities that this Mission has given to us and hope we can do more to help the Lord gather Israel during the next 6 months!
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