Wow, Missions can be really tough sometimes........... like having to attend a beach bonfire & make smores with the YSA's on the famous Coronado beach!
Even the young Missionaries from the YSA could attend because they had a friend (investigator) show up. The Mission rule for the young Missionaries is that they can go to the beach but they can't touch the sand - so the Elders creatively had a member bring a big blanket that they laid out on top of the sand that the Missionaries then jumped on, and the members dragged them to the bonfire, technically not touching the sand!! We got a chuckle out of that one!
Besides our normal weekly District council & dinner for the Institute group, we had a special evening Friday night at the Mission sponsored "inspire" night at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site. Sister Merritt asked me to play with a trio a nice arrangement of "Consider the Lilies of the Field". With the weather warming up to 72 degrees, we used the backyard of the Historic site for an outdoor gathering. President & Sister Merritt gave some moving talks with various musical numbers in between. As our Mission Leaders, the Merritt's are some of the most dedicated & consecrated people I know and are doing a wonderful work helping to gather Israel on this side of the veil through music & the spoken word.
We were asked to speak again in Sacrament Meeting before we finished our Mission, so today was the day. Debbie spoke movingly about Fathers and some advice for the YSA's as they move forward in their lives & then I got to play the piano for a men's quartet singing one of our new Hymns "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". Following the musical number, it was my turn to speak to the YSA's. I felt the need to speak to them about our Heavenly Father & the value of the beautiful covenants we are able to make with Him. It is certainly a "plan of happiness" to follow the covenant path starting with baptism progressing to the Temple & beyond and receive that extra measure of love & mercy through Jesus Christ & His atonement. It has been a blessing to be of service here in San Diego & see the progress that many of the YSA's have made in their lives - we have come to love them.
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